Our scholarships reward essays about the financial sector. Essays about equality and diversity, are also eligible for awards from Centrala Jämställdhets- och Mångfaldskommittén (the Swedish Central Equality and Diversity Committee).
Applying for Finansförbundet's scholarship
In the spring and autumn semesters, we award scholarships to one or more applicants of up to SEK 25,000 for essays about the banking and finance industry. The scholarships are only available to our student members that have written a bachelor's or master's thesis. If several authors have written an essay, not all of them need to be members to be eligible.
The jury consists of our industry committee, with members of our board and secretariat. Submissions are assessed on the following criteria:
- The writer having produced a bachelor's or master's thesis.
- The essay’s relevance to the banking and financial industry, the labor market, trade unions, employees or employers.
- The topicality of the subject.
- The essay's interest from a trade union perspective.
Applications should be sent to: uppsatsstipendium@finansforbundet.se
Submissions must be made by January 31 for the fall semester scholarship and June 30 for the spring semester.
Applications must include:
- First and last name
- Personnummer (social security number)
- Address
- Telephone number (include area code)
- Email address
- Education summary
- The essay
- Registration certificates (for each author) for the current semester from a university or equivalent place of learning.
Höst 2021 delades inget stipendium ut
Vår 2017, Finansiell rådgivning - en lojalitetsfråga? Av Hanna Lundqvist
Applying for scholarships from Centrala Jämställdhets- och Mångfaldskommittén (the Swedish Central Equality and Diversity Committee)
In collaboration with BAO (the Swedish banking employers' organization), we have an equality and diversity committee that awards scholarships for essays with a clear connection to equality and/or diversity issues. Each year, the successful applicant receives SEK 20,000. You do not need be a member of Finansförbundet to apply.
Criteria for application
- The essay is about equality and/or diversity.
- Submitted essays must have been approved by a university, at least one year before the application is made.
- Applicants must approve use of the article by the Equality and Diversity Committee, BAO and Finansförbundet.
Successful applicants will be required to present the essay to invited guests from the banking and finance industry and the Equality and Diversity Committee.
Applications should be submitted between June 1 and August 15. Application forms are available on the BAO website. Decisions made by the committee cannot be appealed.
Essays are assessed on the following criteria:
- Relevance to equality or diversity issues.
- Innovative thinking and the potential to effect change.
- Relevance to the banking and financial industry.
- The topicality of the subject.
- Quality and educational content.
Kristina Heyman, Finansförbundet kristina.heyman@finansforbundet.se
Johan Magnusson, BAO, johan@bao.se