Upgrade your membership

Have you recently got a job in banking or finance? If so, you’re eligible to become a regular member of Finansförbundet. Membership is free for the first three months, after which monthly fees are 100 SEK for the next nine months.

We represent a wide range of professions in the industry, regardless of experience, position and education. We have representatives at major banks, including SEB and Swedbank, as well as Klarna, Getswish, Nordnet, Bambora, SPP and Euroclear. Our members include AML analysts, advisors, data analysts, product owners, lawyers and communicators. 

Benefits for regular members 

As an ordinary member, you can receive negotiation support, legal advice and income insurance (if you are a member of A-kassa, the Swedish unemployment fund). These benefits help you establish a secure career. Of course, you’ll still have access to our career services, personal service, salary statistics and more.

If you transfer directly from student to regular membership, the first three months are free, after which monthly fees are 100 SEK for the next nine months. Only in the second year will you pay full membership fees. 

Upgrade your membership 

Becoming an regular member is easy! Just log in to your member pages and select ”Uppgradera till ordinarie”. Our member pages are currently only available in Swedish. Contact Member Services if you need help. 

Upgrade membership

KYC and AML analysts, compliance officers, controllers, private investments advisors, financial analysts, stockbrokers, credit officers, credit analysts, as well as mortgage, business, customer and pension advisors. 

They also include security experts, risk and data analysts, product owners, SCRUM masters, agile project managers and coaches working in IT. 

Our members also work in HR, marketing, communication, customer services and legal departments.  

Regular membership fees are based on income. 

Gross monthly income Monthly fee
Up to 19000 SEK 126 SEK
19 001-33000 SEK 255 SEK
Above 33001 SEK 295 SEK

If your gross monthly income falls below 33,001 SEK, for 3 months or more, you can apply for a reduced membership fee. Reductions are not made retroactively. 

When transferring from student to ordinary membership, full membership fees apply after the first year. 

Contact Finans­för­bundet

If you have any questions about upgrading your membership, you are welcome to contact our member service.

Contact us

Join Finansförbundet

  • Personal service and industry knowledge
  • Strong collective agre­e­ments
  • Industry-specific salary statistics
  • Income insurance
  • Politically unaffiliated