Annual meetings

Local union annual meetings are one of the most important democratic tools in our organization, where local committees report on the past year and a new committee is elected.

The goal is to allow as many members as possible to participate and for the meeting to be held in accordance with the statutes.

Local union committees are responsible for ensuring that the annual meeting takes place in accordance with our core values and statutes.

Local union committees must prepare all relevant documents for presentation to their members and conduct annual meetings. It is an opportunity and a requirement that committees report on the work they have carried out on during the year.

Auditors' tasks and results must also be reported at annual meetings. Their independent reviews form the basis of the committee's freedom from liability.

A nomination committee will propose the next year’s local union committee at annual meetings. Nomination committees must be impartial and work without interference from the local committee or others. They are expected to suggest committees with all-round competence.

Plan the meeting in accordance with the statutes. Annual meetings should be both democratic (everyone can participate and have a say) and social (activities connected with the meeting). Local union committees are required to carry out all work connected with annual meetings, such as preparing and presenting documents, setting the order of business and recording the decisions taken.

In accordance with "Kongress 2022", local committees should adhere to ”Förslag till klubbstadgar” (Proposals for local union statutes), when proposing new statutes.

Annual meetings can be conducted in real time - in the same room or online. From 2023, we can provide the VoteIT system, as support for annual meetings. We should be contacted at least four weeks before an annual meeting, if this is required. If other systems are used, we cannot offer support.

Before an annual meeting, members should understand how to submit questions, receive clarification and request additions to the order of business. The checklist below is intended to support local committees in their work before, during and after annual meetings.

1. Select a date for the annual meeting between January 1 and March 31 (unless statutes allow for other dates). When selecting a date, allow time for nominations, motions, invitations, etc. If the meeting is to be conducted over time, take into account there must be time both for proposing motions and voting.

2. Prepare the nomination committee of your process. Nominations must be made six weeks before annual meetings, in accordance with the statute adopted in November 2022.

3. Inform all members about the date, the deadlines for proposing both motions and nominating candidates for positions that will be voted on at the meeting.

4. Inform the committee’s auditors and ensure they have all necessary documents.

5. If the meeting is to take place over time, voting organizers and auditors must be involved in its planning and implementation.

6. Responsibilities of the nomination committee:
6.1. Ensure that all nominations are recorded in the order of business, not just those proposed by the nomination committee, and that all nominees are given an opportunity to make a short presentation.
6.2. Ensure that only people who have accepted nomination are included in the order of business.

7. Send invitations and relevant documents to all members, at least 14 days before the meeting (or other time periods specified by the statutes). The following documents must be included:
7.1. Agenda
7.2. Operational and financial report
7.3. The auditors' report and a proposal about discharging the committee’s liability
7.4. The nomination committee's recommendations and any other nominees
7.5. Any proposals made by the committee
7.6. Any motions, with proposed responses from the committee
7.7. Budget proposals
7.8. Any other documents

8. Make the meeting’s minutes available to members.

9. If the meeting is to take place over time, the minutes must be adjusted by election organizers and observers and be available to participants, no later than 14 days after the end of the meeting.

10. After the newly-elected committee has convened, changes in its assignments are registered in RMS. Contact Member Services if you need support.

Your assignment is at the core of what we do. As a representative of our members, you can make a real difference in the workplace. At the same time, you have the chance to learn about labor relations, make contacts and work on issues close to your heart.
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