Your role as a work environment representative

As a work environment representative, you have a mandate to represent your colleagues on to workplace-related issues. What does this mean in practice?

For the most part, the role requires carrying out systematic tasks concerning working environment issues.

Primarily, this means ensuring that employers comply with Swedish employment legislation and the Work Environment Authority's (Arbetsmiljöverket) regulations. This description itemizes the steps that will help you carry out your tasks effectively. The wheel, below, illustrates the key activities.

All working conditions wheel

Key activites as a work envi­ron­ment repre­sen­ta­tive

Taking part in work environment inspections

These inspections assess physical, organizational and social issues in the workplace. They identify factors that may harm employees’ health or cause accidents. Physical factors include workplace layout, employee safety and causes of potential violence. Organizational factors include working practices that may cause stress, conflict, regulatory violations and discrimination or otherwise harm the mental health of employees.

Risk assessments and developing action plans

As a work environment representative, you will participate in risk assessments, contribute to the development of action plans and address emerging risks.

Other work environment issues

You will take part in issues such the implementation of new technology and processes, workplace organization, working methods, relocation, working hours, rehabilitation and work adaptation. It is important that you undergo basic training and have sufficient knowledge to carry out your assignments effectively.

What is a head work environment representative?

If there is more than one work environment representative in a company, the local union appoints a coordinator who oversees activities and offers support to other representatives. In this position, you have the same mandate, rights and obligations as other work environment representatives.

Specific tasks of a head work environment representative

  • Coordinating the work of all work environment representatives within a company.
  • Representing the union on general work environment committees.
  • Raising issues that affect many aspects of the working environment (protection area).
  • Developing training for work environment representatives.