Camilla Linder: What is a just green transition?

Finansförbundets second deputy chairman have met with the international research centre Nordregio to talk about the trade union role in the just green transition. "The green transition is a transition to a carbon neutral world. A just green transition is adding the social dimension."

Nordregio is an international research centre for regional development and planning established by the Nordic Council of Ministers. We conduct applied research in policy areas central to Nordic regional economic growth, competitiveness, and sustainable development.

What is a just transition?

Camilla Linder, Finansförbundets second deputy chairman met with Nordregio to talk about what "just transition" means. 

- The green transition is a transition to a carbon neutral world. A just green transition is adding the social dimension, so that no one, no worker, no citizen will be left behind or in a sense of uncertainty of what to do or how to act. For that we need social security systems, possibilities to re-educate ourselves and reskilling throughout our whole working life.", Camilla Linder says.

There are possibilities in just transition

Finansförbundet sees a lot of possibilities since companies invest large sums in better production, better products and fossile free industries. Camilla Linder talks about how trade unions have a responsibility in working towards a just green transition and keep the members in the loop. 

- We as trade unions have to keep up with the changes. We have to organize, we have to speak with our members. We have a joint responsibility to make sure that everyones interests are taken into account. she says. 

Watch the full movie about Finansförbundets role in a just transition below

- The employers need to identify and communicate their future needs. They have to invest in their products but also in their workforce to give them opportunities to develop during their employment. As an employee you need to be prepared to adjust." she continues.

(in Swedish) Finansförbundet about Hållbar Finans